Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 March 2024
Special issue in Foods (ISSN 2304-8158)
Special issue flyer

Special Issue Editor - guest editor
др Сања Остојић, виши научни сарадник
Институт за општу и физичку хемију, Београд

Special Issue Editor - guest editor
др Дарко Мицић, научни сарадник
Институт за општу и физичку хемију, Београд
Message from the Guest Editors
Dear Colleagues, The use of heat in industrial food processing is an inevitable step towards food stabilization and preservation. In order to ensure the microbiological safety of food products, traditional heating methods such as pasteurization, sterilization, drying, and evaporation are still commonly used in the food industry. Nowadays, food can also be processed without heat, i.e., via non-thermal processing. The most frequently used non-thermal processing techniques are high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field, ultrasound, pulsed light, ultraviolet light, irradiation, and oscillating magnetic field. The goal of all these techniques is the same: to destroy pathogens. Non-thermal techniques, such as irradiation and high hydrostatic pressure, can destroy these organisms with minimal damage to the food. A special emphasis will be placed on the use of methods for thermal analysis. These monitor and characterize the changes that take place at different stages of food processing, with the aim of improving and/or maintaining both technological and nutritional properties.
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