Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 December 2023
Special issue in Foods (ISSN 2304-8158)

Special Issue Editor - guest editor
др Биљана Лончар
технолошки факултет, Нови Сад

Special Issue Editor - guest editor
др Лато Пезо, научни саветник
Институт за општу и физичку хемију, Београд
Message from the Guest Editors
Dear Colleagues, In this Special Issue, readers will find research and review articles that explain the development of empirical, semi-empirical and theoretical mathematical models for food drying; the use of computational methods (such as artificial neural and convolutional networks, random forests, support vector machines, etc.) to analyse the effects of various drying conditions and methods on food quality and safety; and the potential mathematical modelling has to improve food drying performance. The issue also reviews recent advances in the application of mathematical models to food drying, as well as future trends in the field. This Special Issue summarizes traditional and advance drying techniques used to suggest the optimal drying parameters for the selected food material. Readers will also find an overview of the current state of the field so they can gain a better understanding of its potential applications. This Special Issue is an invaluable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of food drying. It provides researchers with the latest research and insights into the mathematical modelling approach and machine learning algorithms for food drying, enabling them to make informed decisions and develop sustainable solutions.
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