The research team "Biotechnology" operates within the sub-areas:

Development of new technological process (including mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of chemical processes and heat and mass transfer processes) in the process and food industry for obtaining biologically valuable components of functional food. Promoting and implementing management of new by-products of the fruit and vegetable industry in Republic of Serbia. This implies the selection of appropriate procedures for the preservation and processing of by-products. Determination of working parameters for the process of dehydration of tropes obtained by squeezing fruits and vegetables, grinding of dehydrated tropes and granulation in order to prolong durability, improve physical and technological properties, as well as use as a carrier of micronutrients or probiotic microorganisms or as a component of composite flour for various purposes.

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  • Mathematical modeling and optimization of in food science and technology, material science and environmental protection
  • Non-linear kinetics modeling
  • Quality prediction, according to various quality parameters according to starting materials, pre-treatment techniques, processing methods and the impact of different additives, using mathematical models such as: polynomial models, artificial neural network, support vector machine, boosted trees regression, random forest regression, multivariate adaptive regression splines models, etc.
  • Numerical modeling - coupling of Discrete Element Method / Computational Fluid Dynamic for modeling fluid and granular materials transport and mixing in industry (screw conveyor, static mixers, etc.), optimization of process equipment geometry
  • Statistics, chemometrics, quantitative structure retention relationship, structural equation modeling, etc…

Application of electrochemical and spectrophotometric methods for determining the total reducing ability and antioxidant activity (polyphenolic grape extracts, complex food samples, by-products of the food industry). Physico-chemical characterization of dehydrated products, flours, powders and granules, determination of their thermal properties and monitoring of stability and durability during standing. Determination of antidiabetic (reduction of glycemic index) prebiotic and anticancer potential, digestibility, etc., dehydrated tropes obtained by squeezing fruits and vegetables. Cooperation with ITNMS, Faculty of Chemistry and Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad and Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, Croatia and others.

The commercial potential of functional products based on flour from different tropics will be examined within the TTF projects planned for 2022. The possibility of binding heavy metals (bioremediation) to individual tropics and / or biofuel obtained by tropic pyrolysis (cooperation with ITNMS) will be examined.

For almost three decades investigations have been conducted aiming to valorize food industry waste in a sustainable manner towards a “zero waste” economy and wellness.

  • Utilization of byproducts of brewing, dairy and fruit and vegetables processing industry
  • Development of functional food and dietary supplements
  • According to IGPC know-how dietary supplements based on brewing waste, with metabolic effects proved by human trial, have been produced
  • Spreading based on whey – technological solution
  • Anti grain flour based on fruit and vegetable pomace – patent protected technology
  • Functional food based on anti grain flour - patents on pending
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Research on the mechanism of selenium nanoparticle formation (SeNPs) in fungal mycelium (green synthesis), cooperation with the Faculty of Biology, the Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, UB and others. Investigation of interactions of fungi from the genus Trichoderma and different plant species (cooperation with Educons University).


  • Jovanović, M., Gorjanović, S., Zlatanović, S., Petrović, M. (2020) „Postupak za dobijanje tečnog ili suvog probiotskog fermentisanog mlečnog napitka sa dodatkom brašna od tropa jabuke i/ili cvekle predviđenog za humanu i animalnu ishranu“ 2021/13677-П-2020/0618
  • Zlatanović S, Gorjanović S, Ostojić S, Micić D, Pastor F, Kalušević A, Laličić-Petronijević J. Method for producing gluten-free flour made of apple pomace. WO2020/027683 06.02.2020.
  • Gorjanović, S., Zlatanović, S., Jovanović, M., Đuriš, M., Micić, D., Šoštarić, T., Lopičić Z. Granulates of fruit and vegetable flours with prebiotics and lactic acid bacteria P-2021/0695, 2021. Patent Application.
Projects where team members participate:PoC 5786: Development of low-energy jelly drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace for obesity preventionPоC 5796: Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiencyBilateral cooperation Serbia-Turkey: SiMPLe, Numerical Simulation of Microwave Processing of Solid – Liquid Mixtures – Process Design and OptimizationOPCW Project L/ICA/ICB-108/21(Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons): Metabolomic Fingerprints of Schizophrenia and Bipolar DisorderErasmus (2021-1-HR01-KA220- HED -000023012): Zero food waste education of the "Z" generation of European citizensEGN7726976: Integrated Strategy for Rehabilitation of Disturbed Land Surfaces and Control of Air PollutionOPCW Project L/ICA/ICB-108/21 (Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons) Назив пројекта: "Metabolomic Fingerprints of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder" Билатерала – научно-технолошка сарадња између Републике Србије и Републике Турске: “SiMPLe, Numerical Simulation of Microwave Processing of Solid – Liquid Mixtures – Process Design and Optimization UNDP „Физичко-хемијска карактеризација изолационе пластике и могућности њеног искоришћења - циркуларни приступ рециклажи каблова“Erasmus+ programme, Action Type KA220-HED—Cooperation partnerships in higher education: “Zero food waste education of “Z” generation of European citizens (ZeeWaste4EU)”, Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000023012COST: “Open Network on DEM Simulations” (ON-DEM) CA22132Програм ПРИЗМА 2023, Фонд за науку РС „From waste to Food and Soil Enrichment – minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry“, WasteBridge, No 7439 Зелени Ваучер, Циркуларне заједнице у Србији, “Развој аналитичке методе за одређивање микотоксина у храни применом Елиса технике“Програм ПРОМИС 2023, Фонд ѕа науку РС. “Broad-range hybrid nanothermometers: towards biologically safe and technologically sound luminescent temperature sensing systems”TTP 2022-2023 Zinc enrichment of waste apple pomace – sustainable strategy to combat micronutrient deficiency No1139 Зелени Ваучер, Циркуларне заједнице у Србији, „Развој течног детерџента за машинско прање теретних возила”TTP 2022-2023 Low-energy vegan drops enriched with apple and beetroot pomace flour applicable in obesity prevention No1136Билатерала – научно-технолошка сарадња између Републике Србије и Републике Словеније „Употреба и менаџмент јестивих споредних продуката насталим у кућним условима од стране занатлија хобиста, у ХоРеКа сектору и микро предузећима“