Project manager: Сања Петронић
Duration: 6 months
Research area: Materials Engineering, Paper, and Wood
Keywords: laser; laser cleaning; paper; SEM; EDS; tensile test; spectrophotometry; optical microscope

Laser cleaning, as a conservation method, is an indispensable procedure for preserving cultural heritage, particularly in situations where classical conservation-restoration methods cannot be applied. The comparative advantages of using lasers include: precision, selectivity, non-contact, control, reliability, and safety, without the prolonged reactions that chemical methods produce. In this project, laser cleaning will be applied to the conservation-restoration issues of old and rare books. Given that paper is a very fragile material, the choice of laser type and its parameters relative to the type of paper is a very delicate matter. The goal is to preserve the surface layer of the paper itself, thereby maintaining authenticity and extending the lifespan of old and rare books and valuable historical documents. This project will demonstrate the application of laser cleaning to paper using continuous semiconductor lasers and Nd:YAG pulsed lasers, as well as the simultaneous combined effect of continuous and pulsed radiation modes of different wavelengths. Besides investigating the removal of surface stains, the project will also examine and remove deep stains within the paper.


This presents a significant challenge as the paper must not be damaged and/or destroyed during interaction, and such research has not been known to have been conducted before. Investigations will be carried out using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, thermography, RTI technique, and tensile tests will be applied. The project has potential for commercialization, such as providing cleaning services to museums, schools, archives, and other institutions where careful handling of culturally significant books and papers or important documents is required, as well as offering education and training programs, among other applications.